Your Path From Pain To Performance Starts Here

Count on our Rehab Chiropractors to help you overcome your pain and injuries so you can get back to doing what you love long term.

Are you looking for more than just a quick 5min adjustment?

We create a customized treatment plan and work with you one on one for an hour. Our treatment sessions include:

  • Assessment/Test & Re-Test
  • Adjustments/Soft Tissue Work
  • Corrective Exercises/Rehab
  • Strength Training

Our mission is to get you an outcome, not just pain relief.

We get to the root cause of your pain and give you a tailored plan for long term results.

Why Choose Zeal Chiropractic & Performance?

Our Unique Approach

At Zeal Chiropractic & Performance we focus on outcomes, not just pain relief. We seek to get to the root cause of your problem so you can find a long term solution to your pain. We believe in quality over quantity. This is why we do 1 hour treatment sessions so we can provide you with all the tools and resources you need to get the outcome you are looking for.

Holistic Approach to Treatment

We offer a holistic approach that goes beyond just addressing immediate pain or injury. We consider the whole person and create a plan that will help you get the outcome you are looking for. This includes lifestyle and nutritional advice, exercises for mobility and strength, and techniques for stress management, all of which are crucial for overall well-being and performance.

Advanced and Innovative Techniques

We utilize advanced chiropractic techniques and equipment that are at the forefront of sports medicine. This includes innovative therapies for injury prevention, recovery, and performance enhancement, which are essential for gaining a competitive edge.

Personalised Care Plans

We emphasize creating personalized care plans tailored to each individual's specific needs, goals, and sport. This personalization ensures that you receive the most effective treatment and advice for your unique situation.

Commitment to Education and Empowerment

We focus on educating patients about their body and how they can take control of their health. This empowerment enables you to take an active role in your health and performance, leading to better outcomes and long term pain relief.

Your Road To Performance

Chiropractor Treating Women's Neck


In the first phase of your care, we will focus on reducing your pain and improving your range of motion and motor control. We will work together to begin the process of addressing the root causes of your pain and teaching you the fundamentals of how to move your body and take care of your health long term.

Bridge Stability Exercise


In the second phase of your care, we will focus on building a solid foundation so your pain doesn't come back. We will work together to build your strength and stability, and address fundamental movement patterns that are essential to long term pain relief and preventing future injury.

Man Squatting With Kettlebell


In the third phase of your care, this is where the magic happens. We will focus on integrating you back into your specific activities and making sure your body is prepared for the physical demands of your work, sport or lifestyle. We will work together to build your load capacity and keep you doing what you love .

Man Playing Tennis


After completing a plan of care with us, our mission is to keep you moving and performing at your best. We offer performance based care for those looking to keep their body functioning and moving at its best. Whatever your goals or needs are, we are here to help so you can move well and be well.

Chiropractic & Sports Performance Services

Zeal Chiropractic & Performance Sunshine Coast

• We will take the time to truly understand your problem and listen.

• You will be given a clear plan of care unique to your specific situation.

• We will spend an hour with you one on one providing chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy and rehab.

• We will focus on getting you an outcome not just pain relief.

Our Rehab Chiropractor, Dr Dean Ormsby, is here to help.

Dr Dean's vision is to help active adults and tennis players take control of their pain and enhance how they move and use their body. He has a passion for helping patients get to the root cause of their pain so they can find a long term solution to their problem.

Dr Dean, Rehab Chiropractor, at the Synergy Performance Institute

Forest Glen Clinic

@ Synergy Performance Institute

35 Owen Creek Rd, Forest Glen 4556 QLD


Tuesday 1pm–7pm

Thursday 1pm–7pm

Friday 1pm–7pm


Enter through the main entrance and take the elevator or stairs to your right and go to level 1. Let reception know you have arrived and they will direct you to the allied health rooms. Take a seat in the waiting area where Dr Dean will meet you.

Kilcoy Clinic

@ Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre

14-16 Hope St, Kilcoy 4515 QLD


Saturday 8am–1pm


Enter through the main entrance and we are the first room on the left. Take a seat in the waiting area where Dr Dean will meet you.

Forest Glen Clinic

@ Synergy Performance Institute

35 Owen Creek Rd, Forest Glen 4556 QLD


Tuesday 1pm–7pm

Thursday 1pm–7pm

Friday 1pm–7pm

Kilcoy Clinic

@ Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre

14-16 Hope St, Kilcoy 4515 QLD


Saturday 8am–1pm


© All Copyrights 2023 by Zeal Chiropractic & Performance