Cervicogenic Headaches

Zeal Chiropractic & Performance Sunshine Coast

Dr Dean Ormsby, Rehab Chiropractor

BSc(Chiro), MClinChiro

Overview of Cervicogenic Headaches

As sportsmen and women or older active adults, you pursue an active lifestyle that sometimes comes with unique challenges. One such challenge you may have to face is cervicogenic headaches. These headaches are often linked to stress or strain on the neck, but understanding the root cause of the issue is essential for proper treatment and recovery. As a Performance and Rehab Chiropractor, my goal is to help you assess your unique situation, diagnose the underlying cause, and find the most effective treatment plan to keep you at the top of your game.

Signs & Symptoms of Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are more than just a simple nuisance; they can be debilitating and interfere with your daily activities. Some of the most common symptoms of this condition include:

  • Persistent, dull pain on one side of the head or face
  • Neck stiffness and limited range of motion
  • Pain that worsens with neck movement or prolonged head positions
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Blurred vision or dizziness

These symptoms can often be mistaken for other types of headaches or migraines, but the key difference is that cervicogenic headaches can be traced back to an issue in the cervical spine or surrounding soft tissues. Ignoring these symptoms and leaving the condition untreated can lead to further complications, such as reduced athletic performance, chronic pain, and long-term damage to the neck and spine.

Causes of Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are commonly caused by issues such as poorly aligned vertebrae, tense muscles, or nerve compression in the cervical region. However, it's important to understand that each case is unique and requires individual investigation. As a Performance and Rehab Chiropractor, I will thoroughly assess your condition by analyzing your posture, examining your cervical spine, and discussing your daily habits and activities to help identify the root cause of your cervicogenic headaches.

When To Seek The Advice of a Rehab Chiropractor

Q: How can I tell if my headache is cervicogenic or another type of headache?

A: A thorough examination by a rehab chiropractor can help determine the source of your headache and whether it is cervicogenic.

Q: What treatments are available for cervicogenic headaches?

A: Treatment options can include adjustments, soft tissue therapy, corrective exercises, and postural advice tailored to your specific needs.

Q: Can I still exercise while experiencing cervicogenic headaches?

A: It is crucial to consult with a Performance and Rehab Chiropractor before continuing or resuming exercise, as improper movement can worsen the condition.

Q: How long does it take to recover from cervicogenic headaches?

A: Recovery time can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's unique situation. A personalized treatment plan, as provided by a Performance and Rehab Chiropractor, will give you the best chance at a speedy recovery.

Q: Can cervicogenic headaches be prevented?

A: Yes, by maintaining proper posture, incorporating targeted exercises and stretches, and seeking regular chiropractic care, you can reduce your risk of developing cervicogenic headaches.

Visit Us

Don't let the pain of cervicogenic headaches hold you back from achieving your athletic goals. By visiting a Performance and Rehab Chiropractor, you'll receive personalized care and attention, as well as expert guidance on the best treatment options for your unique situation. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards conquering your cervicogenic headaches and reclaiming your active lifestyle.

Dr Dean, Rehab Chiropractor, at the Synergy Performance Institute

Zeal Chiropractic & Performance Sunshine Coast

• We will take the time to truly understand your problem and listen.

• You will be given a clear plan of care unique to your specific situation.

• We will spend an hour with you one on one providing chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy and rehab.

• We will focus on getting you an outcome not just pain relief.

Forest Glen Clinic

@ Synergy Performance Institute

35 Owen Creek Rd, Forest Glen 4556 QLD


Tuesday 1pm–7pm

Thursday 1pm–7pm

Friday 1pm–7pm


Enter through the main entrance and take the elevator or stairs to your right and go to level 1. Let reception know you have arrived and they will direct you to the allied health rooms. Take a seat in the waiting area where Dr Dean will meet you.

Kilcoy Clinic

@ Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre

14-16 Hope St, Kilcoy 4515 QLD


Saturday 8am–1pm


Enter through the main entrance and we are the first room on the left. Take a seat in the waiting area where Dr Dean will meet you.

Forest Glen Clinic

@ Synergy Performance Institute

35 Owen Creek Rd, Forest Glen 4556 QLD


Tuesday 1pm–7pm

Thursday 1pm–7pm

Friday 1pm–7pm

Kilcoy Clinic

@ Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre

14-16 Hope St, Kilcoy 4515 QLD


Saturday 8am–1pm


© All Copyrights 2023 by Zeal Chiropractic & Performance